Welcome to The AI Film and Games Festival
The Festival will take place June 13 2023 in San Francisco at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.
Follow this link to buy a ticket to the festival : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-culture-ai-film-and-games-festival-2023-tickets-565398942457
At our 2022 event, audiences were able to see the very beginning of AI Cinema.
SUBMIT YOUR AI FILM OR AI GAME HERE: https://0q60kukf0pg.typeform.com/to/do6xV9zX
In 2023, you will be able to see previews of AI feature films and AI videogames coming in 2024 aswell as narrative shorts. With a $10k audience prize!
Hosted by Fable Simulation and The Culture DAO
Tickets are $10 and all ticket sales go to fund the Audience Prizes. As an audience member you will vote on the day for the AI movie and AI game of your choice.